With snow piled high at the end of my driveway and at every street corner, it is hard to believe that today is the first day of spring. Daffodils are still asleep, insulated under layers of snow.
It has been quite a winter. Many are tired of dragging out their shovels and snow blowers to remove yet another 3-5 inches of snow. Every evening we listen to the forecast making sure we leave enough time in morning routines to get to work on time. Black ice, spin outs, accidents, and "leave enough space for the car in front of you," will soon be faded memories of a very long winter. It is time to wake from our long winters nap.
I will miss the mornings when Jack Frost painted a winter wonderland while we were sleeping. We woke to Narnia many mornings.
Hats, boots, and mittens will soon be shoved in the corners of our closets, replaced by flip flops, raincoats and umbrellas.
I wondered if I really needed an umbrella on a recent day trip we took to the ruins while in Mexico. There were clouds in the sky and a nice breeze. I certainly did not want to have to carry one all day. While exiting the bus, our guide looked at me and said, "you should take this. your skin will burn." I begrudgingly grabbed it to make the guide feel better! At first, it felt like a weight lugging that thing around. I didn't want to open it for fear I would take someone's eye out. When there was enough space around me to actually open the umbrella, it pinched my finger! No blood thank goodness! I noticed my hand was dirty from residue around the handle. Rust. This shield was old! I was ready to ditch this so called protective covering quick. Not many others had one. I was just about ready to stash it somewhere...anywhere...behind the pyramid maybe...when our guide asked me if he could borrow it for a moment. Gladly, I gave it to him. He used it to draw in the ground, helping us to imagine this incredible time in history when the Mayans lived right on these lands. He then gave it back to me, telling me that I was the smart one who took one of these as the sun started beating down on all of us. It was getting warm. No cloud cover. "It is hot" was heard throughout the crowd. I was starting to sweat myself as I pulled open the umbrella and let it protect me from the sun's rays. By mid day, we were cookin! I was grateful for this umbrella now.
On rainy days and sunny days, that umbrella comes in handy. I need and long for the protection of an umbrella. I want to hide under it. The umbrella shields me. More importantly, Jesus is my umbrella. It is He who protects me and covers me. I don't have to be afraid of getting wet or getting sunburned, because He will be there, my umbrella, giving me shelter. Guarding me in all my ways.
Happy spring.
Amen :))