Thursday, August 7, 2014


Yesterday was 08-06.  August 6.  The day I married my BFF Dale. 
26 years ago. 
It hardly seems possible. 
A lot has happened in those years.
Some good, some not so much. 

Yesterday a wife and two daughters buried their loved one. 
She was married to him for 26 years.  When I heard that, my heart skipped a beat or two. 
The whole state of Minnesota  mourns this fallen police officer.  There are no words, except maybe SENSELESS.  Or TRAGIC.
It is just plain CRUEL. 
Life is not fair.  The evil ones play by their own set of rules. 
This coward took a cop.  A husband.  A daddy.  A brother.  A friend. 
Does he know the amount of grief he has inflicted on so many for so long?  Lifelong grief. 

The news media kept saying, "married for 26 years" 
That is Dale and I.  How is it that today I get another day with him, and this grieving wife doesn't with hers?
By God's mercy and grace I will love and honor and cherish him as long as we both shall live. 
I love you Dale.

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