Thursday, September 17, 2015

My heart is in Dallas

Do you ever find yourself reminiscing about where you were a year ago?

For the next few days, my mind will wander back to great memories from last year.
This very week last year, I was in St Louis.

Each year, a BUNCH of writers get together and laugh, hug and stay up 'til all hours of the night brainstorming plot ideas.  
Some even win awards and land an agent or an editor.  It's a great time to network and meet lots of people who share the same dream as you.  The dream of one day being  a published author.  It's very intimidating as there are many many published authors who attend this conference.  BUT, they are all very approachable and very normal!

Here I am with my DREAM AGENT, Karen Ball.  Believe me when I say that EVERYONE wants her to be their agent.  Yep.  EVERYONE.  She is a class act.  Bucket list:  Have Karen Ball for my agent!!!  Perhaps one day.  
Still in awe that I met Deborah Raney!  She is quite an accomplished author.  She even had a movie made from one of her books!  The movie is called A Vow to Cherish.  Love this author.
With Author Julie Klassen.  We are kindred spirits.  We both are crazy for England!
Me with the very talented Susan May Warren.  She has like 50 books to her credit.  She's a writing machine.  I want to be like her.  I tell her that and she says, "You be a writer like you!"  I have learned so much from her thus far.

Last year, I met two wonderful gals of whom I do not have  a picture!  Don't know how that happened, as they have become a very important part of my writing journey.  We met while eating dinner on the last evening of the conference.  Nick and Kelly.  My brainstorming partners.  They are invaluable to me.  We are from different parts of the country, and meet once a month online  to talk about how our writing is going, and also talk through an agreed upon book that we have read throughout the month.  Writing can be very lonely, and so it really helps to have those in your inner circle  who "get" you.    Enter Nick and Kelly, and also many others that I meet along the path.

This very moment, Nick and Kelly, along with lots and lots of other writers,  are congregating in Dallas.  I have a few friends who are up for awards.  Can't wait to hear their good news!

Thinking of all of you, wishing I was there.  Hugs.  

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