Thursday, December 14, 2017


What are you reading these days?

I have book club this evening. I can't wait to enter into discussion about Alongside.

Here's what I'm learning...

It's a great read about helping others in their trials. A sort-of 'how to' guide in saying and doing the right things when others are hurting and need our help.

It's not about you is emphasized over and over throughout the pages. Yep. You need to be like a little elf and help when you can without getting in their way, or worse yet, making it about you.

Newsflash...It's definitely not the time to be talking about your ills and those foot in mouth statements about "my aunt got cancer and she died." UGH. SIGH.  Don't say that.

We like to say things like, "Let me know what I can do."  Nothing like giving the person one more thing to do when they don't have the energy or the time to do that one more thing.  Be courageous. Think about their need and do it for them. Know what they need. 

And I love this line...
"It's not your journey. It's theirs."

I'm so much looking forward to others' perspectives tonight.


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