Thursday, September 12, 2019


It's not easy to see on your end, but I'm having some computer issues. UGH!

I will be working on them, and keep you updated. So sorry for this interruption in my posts.

I hope a new computer is not in my future. SIGH.

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Quiet Place

A tour of Dovecliff Hall, UK, in photos.
Bet you can't guess which room was ours?!
I love stairs. Makes me ponder who walked up and down. Kids chasing after each other? Maids? Servants?
The library. Every Inn seems to have one.  That's my cup of tea on the table. I spent a couple of hours in here finishing a book. Pure loveliness.
There were a few times on this holiday where an old typewriter graced me with its presence unexpectedly. A nod to the story I am writing. Serendipitous to be sure.
The grass definitely wasn't as lush as in previous holidays. So very dry. The flowers bloomed just fine though. Lovely color. 
See what I mean about the grass?

Lavender. I love the smell. I'm in England!
Our breakfast nook.
I ate every bit of my English breakfast.

A dreamy place to spend the night. I'm so grateful for this quiet, peaceful place.

Do you like to stay in hotels or inns?