Thursday, December 4, 2014

The gift I give myself

This past week, my husband and I went wandering about town.
 We strolled around and found ourselves here.  A mini German weihnachtsmarkte!    A perfect day to roam around and peek at the vendors goods.  For the end of November,  it sure was a balmy afternoon.  The lines were long for the Gluhwein (hot mulled wine) and there were even brats!   We said our HO HO HO to St Nicholas, tried some toasted almonds,  and dodged a few puddles.  Yep...the snow was actually melting in spots.
We saw what we wanted,  and so decided to go window shop  on other blocks.    Soon we stopped in front of this intriguing place.    
We peered in the window and soon were let in by the shop owner.  

"Have you been here before?" asked the jovial, lean man with the navy blue bow tie.

"No we haven't" I replied with glee.

My husband's eyes said it all.  This is going to cost me!  
We stepped inside to a time long ago.  Smells of vintage antiques wafted in the air.  Christmas carols tickled our ears.  In the middle of the room stood a tall tree filled with wonder.  There we stood, staring at the dancing lights, entranced by the joy of it all.        
I dare say I was hypnotized!  
My eyes scanned the room.  Treasures were everywhere.   I looked and looked and then....there...on the old desk....
 What is it you ask?
A journal!
with clasps!
    I love to journal.  Near the end of each year I gift myself with a  new one to start fresh..  Blank pages to write and see what I am going to learn in the new year.  I pick a word.  One word.  A word to focus on for a whole year.  2014 it is all about TRUST.  I have a few ideas for my word in 2015.  You see, you don't pick it, it picks you.  And wow, have I learned a lot about TRUST.  Fear has been my thorn for way too long.  My TRUST journal is filled.  I literally have 4 pages left for this year to pen some last lessons about TRUST.  Oh, I know I'm not finished with this word.  I have a feeling it will keep me posted throughout this new year, but fear is in my rear view mirror these days.  I am moving ahead with the help of some dear friends.

When the word is on your radar, you find it everywhere.  In line at the grocery store, on the radio, on the bank marquee, EVERYWHERE!!!  The word just jumps in front of you, screaming for your attention.  As I look through this journal, there are countless ways that I have learned on a deeper level what this word means...
One quote I wrote:

"eat the mystery of the moment with TRUST.  it terrifies, true.  But it exhilarates."  --Ann Voskamp

I'm on the hunt for a new word for 2015.  I am excited about which one it will be.


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