Pretty sure the dealership intended to loan us this particular vehicle.
Look at it!
I mean really. What was I going to say... "Gee, that looks like way too much fun. Thanks, but no thanks?"
Our car (trust me, it doesn't look a bit like this one!) was in need of some routine work. I pulled into the service area and gave them my keys.
"We've got your loaner car waiting for you. It's an A3. Just need to have you fill out some forms, and you can drive it away."
My first thought. What's an A3? I had no idea what the guy behind the counter was talking about.
I signed my life away and they handed me the key. I asked, "How will I know which one is mine?"
"Oh ma'am, you'll know. Just push this button here and the car will light up."
It lit up alright. Practically winked at me as I pointed the button. I slipped inside and I kid you not, it took me at least five minutes to figure out how to start the engine! I tried to put the key in the ignition. There wasn't one! A button printed in bold red ink with START ENGINE imprinted was my clue. I pushed the button and nothing happened. Instead, the dashboard blinked, instructing me to put my foot on the brake before pushing that button!
I did what I was told and tada. Success! The car is running! I thought about going back inside and telling them they can have their A3, but I'm pretty sure they would think I was nuts.
A screen lifted from the dash and displayed a GPS, lots of radio stations, and a backup something or another. The music came on loud. I frantically tried to find the volume button. None were obvious, so I just kept pushing buttons. Pretty soon the sunroof opened. (Good thing it wasn't raining.) Then the windshield wipers swept across the front windshield, and then my seat started moving!
After about ten minutes of mayhem, I finally pulled out of the parking lot. I had some errands that I could have done, but decided to just drive straight home. Do not pass go! Just get home! I did not want to put a door ding in this space ship!
My hubby was ecstatic when I drove in. Salivating was more like it. "How did you manage to get this car?"
"Like I tried," I laughed.
"Let's go for a ride." My husband was plain giddy.
"Just don't get a ticket." I sound like such a mother!
We headed down the highway, going zero to sixty in about two seconds! Funny how all the gizmos were simple for him to figure out!
We landed safely back in the driveway. "How much do you think this car is?" he asked.
"Oh no you don't. We are NOT buying this car. No way. No how."
He went to his computer and checked on prices. "You're right. We are not buying this car." Disappointed yes, but whew! WAY out of our budget.
Our car is back in our garage. Paid for. Maintenance done. Temptation over! Fun while it lasted!
This car is an A3. Audi. Just in case you were wondering!
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