Meet my niece, Claire.
Saturday, she turned 15. What better way to celebrate than to take her to tea!
My sister tagged along, too. We had a lovely time sipping chocolate raspberry, caramel pear, and chocolate safari teas.
I especially loved the lavender shortbread cookies! I ate two! Oink oink! Linen tablecloths and napkins made Claire feel special. Everything was "fancy."
Claire is really good about putting her phone away while I am with her. We discussed school, her friends, and what she was doing later in the day to celebrate. She also told me I should open my own tea shop! My sister and I pondered the idea. It's still brewing! That would be a fun venture. Definitely a nice dream. Perhaps one day!
Such great memories that will bond us for life. I wonder if my sister realized she got in the photo too...See that mirror in the upper left corner? Yep--that's her taking our picture!
NOTE: I am taking a certain trip across a certain pond in just a few days! As you can imagine, I'm thrilled! Each day will be filled with wonder. I have my journal ready to write about new adventures.
In order for me to be in the moment, I will be taking a break from my blog. I don't want to miss a thing. I managed to look around me this past week and low and behold, I got a rainbow and a sign that spelled P E A C E. Amazing the things that catch your eye when you are really awake.
With that in mind, I look forward to all that lies ahead. Travel does that. Takes us out of our comfort zone and lands us in the middle of places and dreams we could never imagine.
I am traveling with my best friend (hubby) and also some very dear friends. They are really good at helping me see life through a different lens. I am in great hands.
I know I will learn so much and can't wait to show you when I return. I will be taking thousands of pictures (lucky you!) and hopefully will tell you lots of stories starting back here on July 11.
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