This year, the National Park Service turns 100!
I've been privileged to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Yes I did. Whoo hoo. I hear your oohs and aahs. And yes, it was hard. Really hard. I still can't believe I actually made it ALL THE WAY down and back up. A huge feat. One of the hardest things I have ever done. It's a mental game. If you ever try, be prepared. Did you listen when I said it was hard? It's worth repeating. You could die trying. Literally. You must train and read all you can about the trails. One slip and you could head over the edge. There are no guard rails. The Grand Canyon deserves respect. Do your research.
Yosemite is breathtaking. Hubby and son climbed Half Dome. My son is pretty athletic. Even he said the climb took every muscle he had. The cables about did him in. Again, respect the mountain.
We've bicycled the carriage roads in Acadia. Climbed the Beehive too. I have no upper body strength, and proved it on that trail. I did make it to the top. Barely!
Zion, Arches, Bryce Canyon. You must see them all. Some of the most breathtaking scenery in the world lies within the National Parks.
Last year, hubby and I went to Yellowstone.
We saw some pretty spectacular views. Here's a peek...
Okay people.
Here's my point about 'Don't Understand.'
See those animals in the above photos? Can you say W-I-L-D? It may look like they are harmless and just want to play. Well, they'll play alright. They will toss you in the air like a rag doll. Don't EVER get close to one. They will show you who is boss. Trust me, it's not you.
While at the park, I witnessed some foolish people. For starters, I heard a woman ask a ranger, "So, what time do you let the animals out in the morning?" I made eye contact with that ranger. I knew what he was thinking. I bet you can guess too. He just shook his head and replied, "Maam, this isn't a zoo. These are wild animals and they come and go as they please."
Yep. Foolish.
Just yesterday, Yellowstone was in the news. See that photo above of the geysers? They look hot, don't they? What gave it away? Maybe the steam? There are signs EVERYWHERE along this boardwalk that warn you about the geysers. Words like : STAY ON THE TRAIL or STAY AWAY-BOILING WATER....Get the picture? Most do. But not everyone.
That article I read about Yellowstone? Yeah--someone fell in one of the geysers.
I'm shaking my head. Do you see why I just don't understand?
You are not invincible. You may think an animal is cute. Or, wonder just how hot that geyser can get. Think about what you are doing. Don't approach an animal and stay on the trails. The rules are there for our protection. Your life could literally be in danger.
Ever touch a hot stove? Hope not, but it really is hot and it really will hurt you. There are deaths in the National Parks. Many deaths every single year. They sell books called Death in Grand Canyon and Death in Yellowstone. They fly off the shelves. I've seen it. Such fascination with those books.
PEOPLE. Enjoy the parks. They are a treasure and my memory bank is overflowing with sweet memories. But, you must respect mother nature. She will win every time.
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