Thursday, February 16, 2017


Last evening I drove into the cities. To me, it's like driving into the abyss!
Detours, bumper to bumper traffic. It's enough to make me break out in hives. I craned my neck as I attempted to navigate the signs that directed me to West parking garage. I pulled in, found a spot, slipped the car into park and took a breath. Whew! I made it!

Honestly, I hate this place. I frequented this location every day those years ago now, while visiting my sister in ICU.

The site? A hospital. Regions, to be exact. One of the best in our area.

Sadness happens inside that sterile setting. Heartache. There is no greater sorrow than witnessing an entire family stepping out of an elevator, weeping. In all likelihood, that family just lost a loved one.

Their grief gave me pause.

Good stuff happens too. Really miraculous things. For one, the emergency team saved my sister's life.
But, back to last night. I received news my cousin was taken by ambulance to Regions. From where he lives, that would be about a four hour ride. I'm sure the paramedics drove fast. (wink wink!) Once again, Regions wins the day.  Healing needs to take place, but he will walk out of that hospital.

How quickly life turns. One moment you're driving down the road of life, staying in your own lane. Life is good.  The next minute, WHAM! Things drastically change.

Life is a gift, people. Live it. Gaze at that full moon a little longer. Savor that cupcake. Embrace your day. Splash in that puddle of water.

My cousin asked for a DQ blizzard treat. What a simple request to grant another. A mint m and m blizzard. Think about that. A blizzard.

As I left his room, I thought about every step I took down the hallways and into the elevator. Every single step.  I got to walk out of that hospital and continue on with my evening. Most of us got that privilege last night. And today? What if we don't? We never know, but what I do know is this. We would have wished we'd taken the time to be grateful for every step we took for granted prior to the moment life turned.


  1. I love Regions Hospital.
    Going to the cancer care unit every two weeks for chemo, I feel blessed.
    I do not love the fact I need chemo but I do love the fact that I can have it. It saves my life and those wonderful nurses that inject that stuff in me are real angels.
    Regions has become part of my life and to borrow from the TV program Cheers "where everybody knows your name (and date of birth)".

  2. I hope your cousin is recovering well and that he gets to go home soon.
    We are so lucky to have such a great health system with wonderful Doctors and Nurses - for those times in our lives when things just go wrong!

  3. My memories are fading of that "not so fun" time at Regions with my sister. I've had to visit Regions hospital a few times since and every time,my stomache gets in knots as I pass the waiting area where we paced for hours while my sister fought for life. Or, the cafeteria where we met many other families with incredible stories of being brave and courageous in extraordinary circumstances. I LOVE Regions simply because those nurses are tirelessly working to ensure your comfort and keep that magical solution flowing so I get to keep your company for many many years to come. I'm so lucky I get to have you (and Yvonne) for my forever friends. Blowing kisses your way! Our cousin is in the right place. He is so ready to return to his normal routine. Soon. Not yet, but soon.
