Monday, May 29, 2017


Today is Memorial Day in the United States. A day to remember our fallen.

I happened to watch a documentary detailing our military. It gave me goosebumps. Each member of the military, past and present, is a hero. Period.

We live in very uncertain times. It's a different world. Last week showed us once again with the terrorist act in Manchester, UK. I'm quite sure the military presence over there across the pond is obvious.

I was clicking through photos of my beloved England back in 2009, and was surprised to see a few bobbies mixed in. They were there. I obviously took photos! But I don't recall thinking anything of their presence.  
I wasn't a bit scared back then, and I wouldn't be if I were there today. The terrorists are trying to make us fearful. They won't win.  The UK is resilient and will persevere.

I'm so sad for the victims of the suicide bombing in Manchester. My heart is broken for their families. It all is just so surreal. There are no words. Why there? Why the UK? Why anywhere? It makes no sense.

England is a beautifully and wonderfully created land. I can't wait to return.  For now, I take comfort in the words of Ecclesiastes 3 "...For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven..A time to weep...a time to mourn..."

Right now, I mourn for those families affected by this terrible act. May all the souls who died rest in peace.



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