Monday, September 3, 2018

First Stop

We deplaned, and off we went! First stop...customs. UGH! That took FOREVER! At least two hours. We weren't planning on that, so really had to move along to get to the Dickens Museum on time.

Good thing for black taxis!
I love those iconic cars.
Cleanest ever!
Our driver was not too fond of Uber. Can't blame any of the cabbies. Black taxi drivers take at least three years to get their license because they do what's called The Knowledge. They know every square inch of London streets, all by memory. It's quite impressive. I'm a black taxi purist. I only took a ride from a black taxi. No exceptions. And I didn't care one bit how much it cost.   
It's all a part of the London experience. If you go, take a ride in a UK icon.

Off he drove us to our destination.
What a thrill to step through the door of such a prolific writer.
Did you know he wrote with a quill pen and ink? AND he wrote 7500 words a month.

Charles Dickens is still widely read today.
My favorite of all is A Christmas Carol. Best story ever.

I totally could live in this home. The perfect size.
He wrote at this desk every day.
That's dedication.

I would show you my desk, but wow, it's a mess right now. What can I say!! 

Dickens loved mirrors. He rehearsed his characters in front of it over and over.

It's getting to be that time of year again when I have to get tickets for the theatre to see A Christmas Carol.
I'm thrilled to have been able to spend time inside the home of such a favored author.

If you get the chance, don't miss this museum.

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