Monday, June 17, 2019

Stay on your side

A friend is in England at this very moment.
Her first visit.
I'm laughing at her photos. In a good way!

She's taking pictures of everything. EVERYTHING! She's got it all on film.
Roses hugging stone buildings, sheep ambling across roads, the English countryside,  swans gliding along the river. It's all there.

I'm so happy for her.

She's on a tour, so she doesn't have to worry about driving on the wrong side of the road.  She's special. She has a driver.  I did too. But I bet  her conversations with hers are way more cordial than the ones I had with mine.   
I remember all too well.  Like it was yesterday.

I was a legit passenger who helped my driver see the error of  his ways. 

"Stay between the lines"
"Did you see you're on camera? Don't speed."
"You're getting pretty close to that truck, don't you think?"

That was my word. Focus. Drove the hubby nuts. Believe me, he was focused. At one point he had had enough. With sweat beading down his face he yelled, "If you think it's so easy, you drive!"

"Sheesh. You don't have to get so uptight about it," I replied. "I'm just trying to help."

Apparently my idea of help and his didn't mesh.
"Just be quiet. Not another word out of you!"

There are times when getting in the last word just isn't a good idea.  I was smart enough to realize this was that moment.
We got off on the nearest exit. I cringed, but managed to stay mute.  The Hail Mary's came fast and furious. The only sound heard between us was the snap of my camera. Truth be told, I'm positive that very sound aggravated him even more, but to his credit, he stayed silent. 

After successfully maneuvering around this bend, I dared speak. "At least if we died, our last moments would have been on film."

Laughs ensued. Once again we were on speaking terms. 

It lasted momentarily!

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