Off to our next adventure. I tried to be helpful. Remember, we were driving on the wrong side of the road.
Hubby wonders if our next destination is worth all the roundabouts. Don't even get him started on all the traffic. What he does for me and my big ideas!
I have to admit. It wasn't an easy drive getting there. A few times even I wanted to say, "You're right. Turn around." But I kept my mouth shut and helped him count all the exits on the roundabouts and we tootled our way to our next tour.
I'm so glad we pushed through the stress. So worth it.
Where did we go?
Well, have you heard of Emma Bridgewater?
Here's a peek.
"Ask at the till." Don't you just love it. I love England. Just saying.
It was raining this day. We dashed inside, but I managed to snap a few photos of the entrance.
It may be a factory, but Emma sure does a lovely job of making it an inviting place to work.
Even the dogs are remembered.
The cafe inside uses the herbs grown here.
Off we go...
I'm hooked already.
Every single piece of pottery is made by hand. Every. Single. Piece. Oh the joy of watching a human make something out of a piece of clay and seeing the end result. It's so important to buy from a small company. The painstaking process of making something out of nothing. It's fascinating, to say the least.
See what I mean?
Here's the clay they use.
It's an art.
No computers here.
Hard work involved. Labor intensive.
Every design uses a sponge. The artists make them all individually. Isn't it just awe inspiring? I was speechless. Again. Labor intensive.
Remember. ALL with a sponge and individually painted.
Even Kate came for a tour!
I repeat. ALL individually painted.
We had lunch here. (Of course!) I loved that they use only their pottery for plates and cups. And the food was amazing.
Rain kept us inside, but isn't it a cute courtyard?
Even hubby had to admit it was worth the drive!
Don't miss a trip to Emma Bridgewater on your next holiday to the UK. You will love it.'ll get hooked and soon will be buying the collection. Piece by piece.