Thursday, March 26, 2020

Always on my mind

Have you been to Italy?
I'm so grateful we were able to go.
My heart is with the Italians. Such heartache this virus has brought all over the world.

I spent some time today looking through our holiday photos.
This one was of our first night in Rome. Many things happened that weren't so good...our taxi driver jilted us out of 50 euros, we lost our luggage...but so many wonderful things went right.

Rome was out our hotel window. We weren't going to let a few setbacks stop us. I'm so glad because we met these boys that first night. Lovely lads from Ireland. We laughed and shared our first bites of gelato together.
A serendipitous moment to be sure.

Here are a few more enchanting moments I never want to forget.

Did you know the Vatican has its own post office? I got to mail some letters from Rome!
The Spanish Steps. It's a great place to take in all the senses. Listening to all the languages speaking in one spot was my favorite part.
The dream of having a Mini actually started in England, but it gained momentum while on holiday in Italy.
What's that song? A dream is a dream you wish for...  
Keep dreaming because sometimes they do come true.
I now own a Mini.

Nothing like journal time in St Peter's Square.
I marveled at the green shutters.
Flowers spilled out of every nook and cranny. It was all so charming.
Sometimes I just plopped my butt wherever I stood and oohed and awed at the wonder of it all.

I love you Italy.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Shakespeare said it best

"Parting is such sweet sorrow..."
Just when we were getting the hang of driving on the wrong side of the road in the UK, it was time to leave.
"Look! A Black Taxi."

Hubby wasn't going to miss my gasps, yelps and squeals as I pointed out each one as it passed by. Nope. Not going to miss that at all.
There's another one.
Coming, rather than going. I liked that better.
I made this little potpourri craft at the Jane Austen House Museum. I knew I'd have to give it up before departing the UK. I so badly wanted to stuff it in my bag, but that would be illegal. SIGH.
I wonder if we'll habitually get in on the wrong side back in America? 
Because this is how it's done across the pond.
I'm reflecting on the fact we really did drive in the UK. And we didn't get in an accident. That's pretty epic. A miracle. 
Do we have to leave?
I want to stay. Please, can I stay a long while more?
When will I see you again?
This happy place land with words like  'trolley' and 'lift' because doesn't that sound much more fairy tale like than 'cart' or 'elevator?'

Until we meet again. Until then. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Springtime Snaps

Mother in-waiting
He really does have a cotton tail
Daffodils. They look like teacups
Baltimore Orioles. We look forward to inviting the family to dinner every year. We go through lots and lots of grape jelly.
Pretty cool shot
Burst of color
Smells like spring
Nature. We like to call it NEATURE. It's a beautiful thing.

Monday, March 16, 2020


Now that we can't go, it makes the 'want to' all the more harder.
These are unprecedented times we're in.
Again, Keep Calm and Carry On. 

Yes, we are at war with an unknown virus. It's scary. Frightening.

But we must do the next thing. Listen to the experts. Socially distance ourselves. One day at a time. Breathe. Read. Write letters. Drink tea. Play a board game. Do all the things. Try not to give in to the fear that is in social media right now. Turn it off. You'll be better for it.

Pray. Then leave it with God.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Happy Thoughts

Roosters on the loose
Sun soaked plumeria. 
Squirt! Or maybe it's Crush?
A masterpiece
Can you feel the sand between your toes?
Well, if you're going to make me go...
Rainbow trees on Maui. There really is such a thing.
A cluster of beauty.
Keep Calm and Carry On

Monday, March 9, 2020

Spotting Narnia

Ambling down the streets in Oxford, we found St Mary's Passage
A lamp post, a Mr Tumnus cornice, and a door displaying an Aslan look a like. Could it be this is where CS Lewis first imagined Narnia?
CS Lewis is the only one who really knows. Obviously, he can't be asked. I'm loving the idea and so therefore, I'm going with yes. Yes, this is where the brainstorm began.