Thursday, September 4, 2014

They are back!

My son Mark, and his college buddy Nick have been gone a long time.
3 long months. 
I know what you are thinking...That's not that long!      

To me, the mom, that's a long time.  And to Kelsey, Nick's girlfriend...its even longer!

The two of them were fly fishing guides in Alaska.  What an adventure!  One evening we got a phone call from them.  "Guess where we are?" 
We couldn't begin to even guess!
"We are on top of a mountain.  The view is incredible."
And for the night, they slept under the Alaskan stars.  Not that there were many.  Remember...its light there for most hours of the day in the summer!  
A troubling night for me as all I could think about was their last comment..."We gotta go.  We see a bear and its getting pretty close!"
Click went the phone. 
NOT what a mother wants to hear. 

The stories are still being told.  Like the one where Mark is cleaning fish for his clients, and he forgot to look up once in awhile.  Not far from him stood a mommy bear and her two cubs.  She looked hungry!
This happened last year too.  You'd think he would have learned!  "No worries mom.  I had my gun.  It was all good.  I just had to fire a warning shot. "
He is not one bit scared of the bears.  He kept telling us, "We are in their territory.  They don't care about us."

The boys were busy.  Client after client came to fish.  It really is a dream job.  They met some pretty cool people.  Like in this video for instance.  This is a guy from the weather channel. 
The video is not long...about 2 minutes.  Nick is in the river fly fishing.  It is a pretty good shot of him.  He is a natural. 
My son Mark is toward the end in a quick blurb about the salmon. 
And yes...the runway in the clip is where the boys and their clients fly in and out of.  YIKES! 
This is where they spent all their time.  It is beautiful.  Enjoy the glimpse.

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