Monday, March 30, 2015


Spring seems to be taking its sweet time getting here where I live. 

Here is a spectacular view of spring at  Kew Gardens in Surrey, United Kingdom.

Be sure to scroll down to the video of spring bulbs bursting from the soil on this site. 

Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the blooms.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Check out these libraries

Not long ago I visited the Chicago public library.
I could have stayed all day, but spared my husband!
A view of the library from our hotel window. 
Going in!

Yep.  This is on the top floor of the Chicago Public Library.  Beautiful. 

Here are some sites to other libraries that are on my bucket list to visit. 

The Bodleian Library in Oxford, UK

Library of congress, Washington DC

New York public library

Salt Lake City public library

John Rylands library, Manchester, UK

Yes, I have visited my own public library!  My book fines are now paid!

What's your favorite library?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Book titles

Do you pick up a book by the title?  Cover photo?  Someone's recommendation?  

These are the reasons I am now on page 42 in this book...
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, a novel by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

The title alone screams, "Read me" don't you think?!

It is a novel written completely in letters from the year 1946.

 I am getting to know some of the characters...Sidney and Juliet, Sophie, Mr Adams, Markham.  Markham is asking Juliet out on a date after sending her bouquets of flowers...anonymously.  Juliet writes..."I'm getting a nervous twitch, waiting for him to come out of hiding and make himself known..."

I can't wait to get to the part where Juliet sails to Guernsey, a British island, to meet the society.  

Have you read this book?  Did you like it?
What do you think of a novel written in letters?
I love to write letters, so it hooked me right away.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Just because

"Just because" does wonders for the soul doesn't it.

Out of nowhere, someone does something out of the ordinary,  and it just really makes the day brighter.

My co-worker and friend, Pam, gifted me with these beauties the other day.
Shortbread cookies.
I have to say that these are among the BEST cookies I have ever had.  Maybe its the amount of butter in them or maybe its  the chocolate chips.   Whatever the ingredients, they sure are hard to resist!  And no, those are NOT nuts...those are toffee bits.  Pam knows how much I DO NOT like nuts in things.  I like nuts, just not IN food!  No cookies, no nothing.  NO NUTS!
Almonds, peanuts, walnuts...I love them all.  They just have to be separate!

These cookies are filled with lots of things that are not exactly healthy!    Probably why they are sooooo good!  Once in awhile, I believe in splurging.  These are worth every single calorie.

What have you done out of the ordinary for someone lately?

Monday, March 16, 2015

Inspires me

I spent some time looking over this website again this weekend. 
This site is so adorable.  Lots of inspiration and she loves England! 
Spring is coming...she just lives life fun! 

Beware...time will get away from you! 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

A thing of the past?

That dirty word...S N O W.

I'm thinking we may be seeing the last of it melting!
See....its dirty and its melting!
I'm actually looking forward to mowing my front lawn!  I think I am starting to see green!
The weather has been beautiful.  In the last week we have seen about an 80 degree difference in the weather.  I will take it!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Thinking of me!

My friend Yvonne has just returned from a trip to South Carolina.
While there, she thought of me!
She found this tea wallet and, well, she thought I had to have it!
Is this not the coolest thing ever!
I have already used it.  Went to a restaurant and they didn't have my tea...but I did!  In my wallet!
Absolutely L O V E I T!
From now on, this stays in my purse.  A needed item,  like a tube of lipstick!
Thanks dear friend.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

My girls

Tea parties.
I love preparing the food and picking out which teas to steep for tea parties.

Recently, I spent some time with the girls I mentor going over lots of information about tea.
We talked about where tea comes from, what kinds of tea, and many other topics.

I brought along to our meeting my collection!
The girls asked, "Is all this yours?"
"What's this, what's that!"

It was pretty fun.  They had no idea what a tea cozy was, or what an oolong tea is.  They soaked it up!
I showed them pretty napkins, sugar cubes, creamers, brought some china along, my tea maker...lets just say the night flew by.
Then, the next week, they came to my house and I threw them a tea party!

Pink tablecloth, flowers, china, gift bags, brownies, little cupcakes, scones...I couldn't wait to see their faces!
All smiles!  Here they are.  My happy girls.  Some even dressed up!  I think they all had an enchanted evening.  
Its one thing to hear about tea.  Totally different when you are actually sitting down with all things tea!  The girls tried...(actually I made them!) their tea with nothing added.  I wanted them to really taste what tea is like without the added fluff!  As expected..."Ick.  I don't like it!"  Utter honesty.  Love it!!!  Then we added the sugar cubes and the cream.  Made all the difference!  Lets just say my sugar bowl was empty when they left!  They kept drinking more and more!  Then, with all the other sweets...their poor parents!!!
They weren't too sure about the scones, but they went for those too!  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...I was going to make the cucumber sandwiches, but knew that no matter how fancy I cut them, the girls were not going to be fooled!  They laughed and enjoyed each others company and loved their gift bags.  I'd say this was a very successful evening!