Monday, June 25, 2018


This past week, I've spent lots of time with my writing "peeps."

My friend Stacy held her book launch for her 4th novel, Open Circle.
If you'd like to take a peek at the trailer for her book, look up Stacy Monson on the web!

Over the weekend, I traveled many miles to a writing retreat where I reconnected with friends from Dallas, Texas and Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I love when I can gather with like minded people who get me and my need to write. It's such a gift.

Most of these writer friends know my fascination (okay, maybe obsession) with England.
I walked into the retreat wearing one of my favorite shirts. It simply states...

England is my Happy Place. 

The group shouted out, "That's such a Gail shirt!" I was pleased! See...they know me!

I've been struggling with social media and how I am going to deal with it while on holiday across the pond. Do I leave my phone at home and only take my Lumix camera?
Stay off Facebook completely while away?  To me, the dilemma was real! That is, until my friends gave me a piece of their minds!

You see, I so badly want to just stay in the moment. I want to look for the swans and watch them glide across the Thames. Really watch. I want to be like that elderly woman I saw on someone's post the other day. She was standing among all those folks taking selfies and snapping pictures on their phones. They were completely missing the joy of the moment.

I don't want that. I don't want to miss a thing.

Enter those writer friends...

Two gasped as soon as I remotely suggested I might not post! Eeeek...

"You can't do that to us!"

They shouted at me! Really. They did!

"We've listened to you talk about going to England for how long, and you are not going to "bring us along?"  "Why would you do such a thing?"

I sighed and stated, "I don't want to brag. It seems like all I would be doing is bragging!"

They laughed. Yep. Laughed.

"You brag? Anyone who knows you knows that's not even remotely like you!"
"You must post. We are going to be so mad at you if you don't!" "In fact, you should facebook live when you get to Downton Abbey!"

I have not a clue how to do that, but I'm going to try and figure it out.

I have my answer.

I'll be posting!

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