Monday, March 7, 2016

"Forward into the future"'s over. Golly.

A show that has done this well most certainly has its characters to thank. Oh, no doubt, the setting in England helped,but the characters made the show.
I will miss her the most. Her one line zingers can't be beat. "If reason fails, try force."
Julian Fellows did a marvelous job bringing the show to a close. These two sure have had their spats, but in the end, they joined forces and count each other as good friends. I bet the Dowager was the maid of honor! "It's good to be in love no matter what age."--The Dowager
 Yay for Edith. "The only thing I'm not ready for is a life without you." --That Bertie. He's a real gem.

Anna gives birth in Mary's bed, Barrow becomes butler, Mosley is a teacher, and Daisy falls for Andy.
Like Carson adores Mary, so Barrow will to Master George. And so goes the circle of life.

The curtain closes on a spectacular show.  Did you know the show has been shown in over 200 countries?  That is incredible.
Now to one day see Highclere Castle.  On the bucket list.

I looked up the order of titles. I was curious where Bertie and Edith stood in line. Turns out, they are 4th. Not a bad position. No wonder Mary decided it was in her best interest to be nice to Edith!

Prince and Princess

What will you miss most?

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